God’s Duty Series Program Schedule for 2024

Episodes currently completed

001 - 024

Parables God's Burden Heaven and Hell Revelation
S1 - E1
S2 - E1
S3 - E1
S4 - E1
The wicked vine-growers PART 1:
What is the Church? The Book of Revelation
S1 - E2
S2 - E2
S3 - E2
S4 - E2
The Marriage Invite Let There Be Light The Church's Purpose Rev 1: He returns with His Kingdom
S1 - E3
S2 - E3
S3 - E3
S4 - E3
Richman & Lazarus The promise to Abraham The Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev 2&3: The Church
S1 - E4
S2 - E4
S3 - E4
S4 - E4
How Parables Work The promise to the fathers of Israel Dodging a bullet The Millennium
S1 - E5
S2 - E5
S3 - E5
S4 - E5
Five wise and five foolish virgins Jacob & Sons The last and next last supper Rev 5: The book of life
S1 - E6
S2 - E6
S3 - E6
S4 - E6
The sheep & the goats The tribes of Israel & the United Kingdom Ruling & reigning with Jesus Rev 6: 7-Seals
(seals 1 to 4)
025 026 027 028
The wheat & tares Joseph The work of Christ Rev 6: 7-Seals (seals 5 & 6))
029 030 031 032
The unjust judge The sacrifice of Isaac Helpers of the Kingdom Rev 7: Sealing the Tribes of Israel
033 034 035 036
The sower & the seed Israel the bride of God The Spirit of Prophecy Rev 8: 7-Trumpets (Trumpets 1-4)
037 038 039 040
The unclean spirit The vows of Israel's marriage Why Jesus healed the sick Rev 8: 7-Trumpets (The 3 Woes) Jeruslam-Judaism
041 042 043 044
Hidden treasure & pearl of great price The Judges of Israel Salvation Rev 9: 1st & 2nd Woes. Rome and Holy Rome
045 046 047 048
The marriage supper The Kings of Israel The Judgement of the Lord Rev 10: 7th Trumpet, 3rd Woe. The Kingdom returns
049 050 051 052
New wine goes into new bottles King Saul & David The Second Resurrection Rev 11: The Two Witnesses
053 054 055 056
The prodigal son The Temple of Israel The Nature of the Beast Rev 12: The woman Israel: 3 ½ Times
057 058 059 060
The two sons PART 2: GOD'S FAILED PLAN Church oversite and Korah Rev 13: The rise of the beast; death of the Church
061 062 063 064
The Unjust Steward The Song of Moses Meribah Rev 14: The Kingdom arrives
065 066 067 068
A spreading fig tree The prophets of Israel Into the abyss Rev 15: The Kingdom conquers
069 070 071 072
The evil servant PART 3: GOD'S RECOVERY PLAN David's guilt Rev 16: 7-bowls of wroth
073 074 075 076
Jesus the parable Daniel Did Jesus fear His Father? Rev 17: Babylon Mother of Harlots explained
077 078 079 080
The adulterous woman Jesus the prophet Heaven & Hell Rev 18: The fall of Babylon
081 082 083 084
Thy sins are forgiven Jerusalem & Judaism A question of balance? Rev 19: The gathering storm
085 086 087 088
The centurians servant A note of caution Demons, Gods, & Idols? Rev 20: The Millennium
089 090 091
The parable of the Christian experience Egyptian book of the dead Rev 21: The New Jerusalem - Heaven & Earth
092 093
Jesus prepares a place Rev 22: God's wife - bearing fruit
094 095
The end? The promise to Abraham completed
Beyond Revelation